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An evening at the home of Annie and David
(713 Broad Road).


30 minutes later.
There will be a 10 minute intermission.
Childcare is available.

God's Grace is for You.

The King comes to us because of His love.  The Holy Spirit invites--implores-- us to come to Him through His one and only Son, Jesus, because of love. Jesus is the way, the truth, and life; He is the way to God.  By Him and through Him, our sins are forgiven.  We are born again.  We are saved.  Our filthy rags are replaced with a robe of righteousness.  Condemnation is g.o.n.e. What have we done to deserve the amazing and unfathomable love of the Father? Nothing.  The free gift of salvation costs us nothing, but it cost Jesus everything. How can this be? Why would Jesus leave the majesty of heaven, come to earth, become a lowly servant, live a perfect life among broken people, and die on cross?  Love.  God loves you and His grace is for you.  Receive the free gift of eternal life and begin the journey God has mapped for you.

Good Book

The meaning of life.  The wasted years of life. The poor choices of life. God answers the mess of life with one word:  'grace.'

~ Max Lucado ~



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